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Body and Soul
("Roh wa Gasad")
Author/ Director
First body theatre experimental performance
Location: El Taliah, Cairo, Egypt
(Italian TV station Raisat)
Il Signor Bruschino
Assistant Director
Written by: Giuseppe Maria Foppa
Music: Gioacchino Rossini
Director: Vera Bertinetti
Production: Cairo Opera House
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Musician of the Nile
the famous band (Musician Nile ) were in (Il piccolo teatro) in Milan it was concert I was the director on stage, and this video too directed by me self
Site Title
Great Naguib
في عيد ميلاه المئه اقدم هذا العمل تحية للكاتب
الكبير المصر الصميم نجيب محفوظ
مترجم كرواتي
for the great Naguib Mahfouz, subtitles - Croatian language
Nagib Mahfoz AFISH Movies
رؤيه فنية واقعية تنبأ بها عاطف الطيب فخرج فيلم البريء
هذا الفيديو تحيه للعمالقة وحيد حامد و عمار الشريعي و عاطف الطيب

A young dancer and her dance teacher share a complex emotional connection. Their seemingly cold and detached relationship is defined by deep and unresolved personal issues. Faced with an unexpected situation, women are forced to face their inner struggles. This experience turns out to have a deeply transformative effect on both of their personalities and their relationship.
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